Newark Academy follows the Nottinghamshire County Council Admissions Arrangements. For more information please follow the links below
- County Council Admissions web page.
- Guidance for Parents and Carers
- Appeals timetable
- Appeal Form
- Catchment area map
- Appeal a school admission decision/Nottinghamshire County Council
We organise Primary School and Sixth Form Open Evenings, when prospective parents and students have an opportunity to visit the school. We are also always pleased to show parents and prospective parents around the school during the working day, and to answer any questions you may have. For an appointment, please contact the school office.
Do you attend one of the Newark Family of Schools?
If your child attends one of the Newark Family of Schools and is offered a place at Newark Academy, we will make all the necessary arrangements for induction. These will include:
- Pre-visits for children to experience lessons at Newark Academy during the summer term before transfer.
- Welcome evenings to provide an introduction, also during the summer term.
- A Crew 7 parents evening in the term after admission to strengthen the links with crew leaders and report on how you child has settled in.
If you are moving to the area
If you are moving into the catchment area and are looking to apply to Newark Academy please complete an in-year admission form via
If places are available you will be contacted to arrange a tour and admission meeting prior to being admitted, previous school reports will be requested for this meeting. If no places are available the application will be added to the waiting list, positions on the waiting list change regularly due movement throughout the County.
If you attend a school outside the Newark Family of Schools
We also admit students from other primary schools and into the Sixth Form, provided places are available.
Independent Appeals
Places in Year 7 at Newark Academy for September 2024 will be allocated on 1st March or the next working day and advised thereafter. Parents have the right to an independent appeals panel if you are not happy with the outcome of your application. Please see links above for Appeals 2024 information.
In year applications
Nottinghamshire County Council coordinated admission arrangements - click on the following link Changing school in year Nottinghamshire County Council.