Pupil Premium

Statutory Information

The documents below are those required by the DfE to be published on the website.

Pupil Premium is additional funding schools receive from the government. It is then used to support eligible students during their education and raise their academic success. Funding is received if a student is registered as being in receipt of free school means (FSM), having parents in the forces or classed as being a looked-after child.

If you think your child might be eligible for FSM funding, please follow the link below:

Free school meals and milk | Nottinghamshire County Council

For more information on Pupil Premium, please visit the following web page:

The parent's guide to the pupil premium | TheSchoolRun

At Newark Academy we are aware of the barriers both Nationally and regionally PP students may face. We take this into consideration and are forensic and specific in diagnosing our students needs and potential barriers to learning through in depth analysis and monitoring of a variety of internal data (attendance, ATL, behavior points, progress), learning walks, student voice and book looks. We then use strong evidence such as the EEF to support the implementation of our strategies.

We are proud of all stake holders knowing who our PP students are and embracing the strategies in place to support them bridge gaps, improve participation, raise attainment and achievement, and improve educational outcomes.

Below are our challenges and how we aim to overcome them:

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact

Miss R Clarke – Associate School Leader (Quality of Education)


March 2025


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