Key Stage 5

Year 12


Students will seek to develop their character at KS5 with challenging content intended to make them reflect on a modern, fast changing and adult world. They will have opportunities to safely discuss and unpack young people and adults face in the local and wider society.

Learning Journey

Themes, Concepts and Questions

  • Can you assess how attitudes towards mental health have changed?
  • Why are some methods of treating mental health unhelpful?
  • How can we support some of the more serious mental health conditions?

Key Knowledge

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Behavioral
  • Psychological
  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Bulimia
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Self-harm
  • Shame
  • Grief

Themes, Concepts and Questions

  • What are the best ways to prepare for an interview?
  • How do your decisions now impact your future career pathway?
  • How can you manage manipulative people and situations safely?
  • What are your rights as a member of our society, how can you keep yourself safe?

Key Knowledge

  • Ambition
  • Career pathway
  • Interview
  • Higher technical skills courses
  • Internships
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Global economy
  • Manipulation
  • Forced marriage
  • Harassment

Themes, Concepts and Questions

  • What are the issues with the way that social media has been designed?
  • How should we react to distortion of truth online?

Key Knowledge

  • Distortion
  • Confirmation bias
  • Algorithms
  • Geolocation
  • Digital footprint
  • Video surveillance
  • Animal abuse
  • Pornography
  • Torture 

Themes, Concepts and Questions

  • What issues do adults face and how do they overcome them?
  • How can we keep safe at work and advocate for your wellbeing?
  • Can you assess the implications of driving under the influence?

Key Knowledge

  • Emotional risk
  • Financial risk
  • Recreational drugs
  • Meningitis
  • Isolation
  • Legislation
  • Drink driving
  • Unit
  • Alcohol

Themes, Concepts and Questions

  • What do you expect or need from your different relationships?
  • Do you know how to recognize unhealthy relationships and what to do next?
  • Do you know how to end a romantic relationship in a respectful way?

Key Knowledge

  • Bread crumbing
  • Gas lighting
  • Ghosting
  • Mutual respect
  • Communication
  • Empathy
  •  Honesty
  • Platonic

Themes, Concepts and Questions

  • What are the long-term effects of alcohol or drugs misuse?
  • How does social media impact our understanding of our physical health?

Key Knowledge

  • Temptation
  • Brain development
  • Psychological damage
  • Addiction
  • Classified drugs
  • Misinformation
  • Reliability
  • Fake news
  • Body dysmorphia

Skill Development

Students will develop the following skills;

  • Resilience – Students will tackle tricky topics that require tenacity and open mindedness, this helps them to build up resilience to real life situations and learning.
  • Advocacy - Students will learn how to advocate for themselves, learn how to express their views and understand how to help other’s express their views.
  • Critical thinking – Students will be able to assess knowledge or situations and decide on the best solution or action.

Year 13


Students will seek to develop their character at KS5 with challenging content intended to make them reflect on a modern, fast changing and adult world. They will have opportunities to safely discuss and unpack young people and adults face in the local and wider society. The goal is to support our students to be able to leave school at the end of year 13 with the capacity, skills, emotional intelligence and resilience to be successful in their lives.

Learning Journey

Themes, Concepts and Questions

  • What is the best way to support mental health when it is deteriorating?
  •  Can you reflect on your own wellbeing and make positive decisions to support it?
  • Do you know the services available to people post 18?

Key Knowledge

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Behavioral
  • Psychological
  •  Toolkit
  • Deteriorate
  • Well-being
  • Post-18

Themes, Concepts and Questions

  • What are your rights at work and how do these impact your daily life?
  • What are the drawbacks of not being able to understand how to read a pay slip?
  • How can we challenge discrimination, as a society?
  • What is the impact of SOC?

Key Knowledge

  • Minimum wage
  • Trade union
  • Tax code
  • National insurance
  • Overt racism
  • Covert racism
  • Serious and organized crime
  • Inclusion

Themes, Concepts and Questions

  • How can we challenge misinformation and harassment online?
  • Why is digital consent important?

Key Knowledge

  • Harassment
  • Manipulation
  • Disinformation 
  • Revenge porn
  • Digital consent
  • Critical consumer
  • Extremism
  • Radicalisation

Themes, Concepts and Questions

  • What risks do young people face at University?
  • How can young people reduce risks?
  • What should young people do in risky situations?

Key Knowledge

  • Recreational drugs
  • Intoxication
  • Violence
  • Criminal record
  • Risky behavior
  • STI
  • Unplanned pregnancy
  • Catfishing

Themes, Concepts and Questions

  • How do adults make friends?
  • How can we maintain healthy friendships?
  • What are common illnesses for young adults?
  • What can you do to look after your physical health?

Key Knowledge

  • Reciprocity
  • Empathy
  • Boundaries
  • Commitment
  • Mumps
  • Glandular fever
  • Meningitis
  • Testicular cancer
  • Cervical cancer

Skill Development

Students will develop the following skills;

  • Resilience – Students will tackle tricky topics that require tenacity and open mindedness, this helps them to build up resilience to real life situations and learning.
  • Advocacy - Students will learn how to advocate for themselves, learn how to express their views and understand how to help other’s express their views.
  • Critical thinking – Students will be able to assess knowledge or situations and decide on the best solution or action.

July 2024


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