Key Stage 4


Exam Board: AQA

This exciting course offers you an amazing opportunity to learn about all aspects of theatre in a practical setting. You will be given the opportunity to practice and develop your acting skills focusing on voice, movement and characterisation, as you study how scripts can be brought to life and performed to an audience.

You will explore the work of theatre practitioners like Brecht and Stanislavski, as well as modern physical theatre companies such as Frantic Assembly, applying these new techniques to the performances you create yourself. You will have opportunities to see live theatre and develop your understanding and knowledge of various genres, styles and forms of drama.

This GCSE gives you the chance to show off your talents in performance exams, demonstrate your understanding of theatre in the written exam and rewards dedication and creativity in the devised performance and a controlled assessment logbook.

Drama combines a lot of different transferable skills which can not only support further study of drama and a career in acting or directing, but also a range of other subjects and careers. Public speaking, presentation and confidence are also abilities which always support you, whether you choose to become a solicitor debating issues of law, a business person delivering marketing pitches or an army captain leading troops into difficult situations.


40% written examination
30% controlled assessment 10% devised performance examination
20% scripted performance examination.
You will be assessed on your acting/technical skills in performances, how you have creatively developed a piece of work from a stimulus and your understanding of specific play texts and practitioners.

Performing Arts (Drama)

Exam Board: Edexcel

We are also pleased to offer ‘The Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Performing Arts’, and this is for learners who want to acquire technical knowledge and technical skills through vocational contexts by studying acting as part of their Key Stage 4 learning. The qualification recognises the value of learning skills, knowledge and vocational attributes to complement GCSEs. The qualification will broaden the learners experience and understanding of the varied progression options available to them.

The students will explore three components which include

  • Exploring the Performing Arts
  • Developing skills and techniques in the Performing Arts
  • Responding to a brief

A key difference is that a BTEC provides a way to learn through practical work as well as study.

July 2024


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