Cambridge Technicals in Sport - Level 3

Cambridge Technicals Level 3 in Sport

This qualification is an excellent route from any Level 2 vocational Sports course or GCSE PE completed in Year 11. The qualification is a mixture of internal coursework and external exam. The course is ideally suitable for students who wish to continue their studies or careers in sport, ranging from sports coaching, sports physiotherapy, sports therapy, leisure centre management, sports academies or a career in teaching, primary or secondary.

Students will be able to study the equivalent of one A-Level in this subject, the extended certificate in sport and physical activity, though there is also an option to complete the Extended Diploma – equivalent to three A-Levels.

This is the equivalent to one A-Level and will consist of two examination units and three units of coursework.

Year 12 (Extended Certificate)

Unit 1: Body systems and the effects of physical activity

External examination

This is a 90-mark exam that is based around anatomy and Physiology. In depth knowledge of the following areas will be examined in June.

LO1: Understand the Skeletal System in relation to exercise and physical activity

LO2: Understand the Muscular System in relation to exercise and physical activity

LO3: Understand the Cardiovascular system in relation to exercise and physical activity

LO4: Understand the respiratory system in relation to exercise and physical activity

LO5: Understand different Energy Systems in relation to exercise and physical activity

Unit 2: Sports coaching and activity leadership

Coursework assessment throughout the year

This unit will use the coaching/leadership skills of the students to complete 4 assessment objectives throughout the unit. The coaching and leadership will primarily be completed at one of our link Primary Schools or in one of our extensive range of extra curricular clubs.

LO1: Know the roles and responsibilities pf sports coaches and activities leaders

LO2: Understand principles which underpin coaching and leading

LO3: Be able to use methods to improve skills, techniques and tactics in sport

LO4: Be able to plan sports and activity sessions

LO5: Be able to prepare sports and activity environments

LO6: Be able to deliver sports and activity sessions

LO7: Be able to review sports and activity sessions

Year 13 (Extended Certificate)

Unit 3: Sports Organisation and Development

External Examination

This unit looks at the organisation involved in sport in the UK along with there roles and responsibilities and how they work together. This unit also looks at Sports Development and its initiatives.

LO1: Understand how sport in the UK is organised

LO2: Understand sports Development

LO3: Understand how the impact of sports development can be measured.

LO4: Understand sports development in practice

Unit 8: Organisation of sports events

Coursework assessment throughout unit

This unit is designed to develop skills in planning, promoting and delivering a sports event. It will focus on individual roles ans well as working as part of a team and reflecting on both aspects of the event organisation.

LO1: Know different types of sports events and their purpose

LO2: Know the different roles and responsibilities involved in planning and delivery of sports events

LO3: Be able to plan and promote a sports event

LO4: Be able to participate in the delivery of a sports event

LO5: Be able to review the planning and delivery of a sports event

Unit 11: Physical Activity for Specific groups

Coursework assessment throughout the unit

This unit will allow you to develop a knowledge and understanding of the different groups of individuals who would benefit physiologically, psychologically and sociologically from participating in physical activity and why these particular groups are targeted by initiatives. This knowledge and understanding will then support you in planning suitable physical activity sessions for the groups identified and the considerations that need to be taken into account for each of them

LO1: Know about the provision of physical activity for specific groups

LO2: Know the benefits of and barriers to participating in physical activity for specific groups

LO3: Know the exercise referral process

LO4: Be able to plan physical activity sessions for specific groups

Year 12 (Diploma - Sports Coaching)

Unit 4: Working Safely in Sport, Exercise, Health and leisure

External Examination

Throughout the unit you will gain an understanding of key safety requirements to be able to ensure your own, and your clients’ safety. Topics include: understanding key health and safety legislations, knowing how to administer emergency first aid, understanding roles, responsibilities and reporting duties in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults and finally, knowledge of key health and safety documents, including how to carry out risk assessments.

LO1: . Understand emergency procedures in sport, exercise, health and leisure

LO2: Understand health and safety requirements in sport, exercise, health and leisure

LO3: Understand how to minimise risk in sport, exercise, health and leisure

LO4: Know first aid requirements for sport, exercise, health and leisure

LO5: Know how to safeguard children and vulnerable adults in sport, exercise, health and leisure

Unit 5: Performance Analysis in Sport and Exercise

Coursework assessment throughout the year

This unit will give you the skills and knowledge required to carry out performance profiling and analysis and deliver feedback to the performers in a manner that is suitable for them.

LO1: Understand performance profiling

LO2: Be able to carry out performance profiling

LO3: Be able to analyse performance

LO4: Be able to give feedback on sports performance

Unit 11: Physical Activity for Specific Groups

Coursework assessment throughout the year

This unit will allow you to develop a knowledge and understanding of the different groups of individuals who would benefit physiologically, psychologically and sociologically from participating in physical activity and why these particular groups are targeted by initiatives. This knowledge and understanding will then support you in planning suitable physical activity sessions for the groups identified and the considerations that need to be taken into account for each of them.

LO1: Know about the provision of physical activity for specific groups

LO2: Know the benefits of and barriers to participating in physical activity for specific groups

LO3: Know the exercise referral process

LO4: Be able to plan physical activity sessions for specific groups

Year 13 (Diploma)

Unit 8: Organisation of Sports Events

Coursework assessment throughout the year

This unit is designed for you to develop skills in planning, promoting and delivering a sports event; with a focus primarily on your individual role as well as working as part of a team and reflecting on your input and future personal development. This unit will enable you to establish transferrable skills which can be used within sport and active leisure as well as within the fitness industry. It will also enhance skills such as team work, organisation and safeguarding awareness.

LO1: Know different types of sports events and their purpose

LO2: Know the different roles and responsibilities involved in the planning and delivery of sports events

LO3: Be able to plan and promote a sports event

LO4: Be able to participate in the delivery of a sports event

LO5: Be able to review the planning and delivery of a sports event

Unit 13: Health and Fitness testing for Sport and Exercise

Coursework assessment throughout the year

In this unit you will learn a range of fitness tests, what they test and their advantages and disadvantages. You will learn how to complete client consultations which will give you the background knowledge you need about a client to be able to plan and deliver appropriate fitness tests. You will then learn how to interpret the data acquired from fitness tests and how best to feed this back to the client so that they can go on to make informed decisions about their health and fitness training

LO1: Be able to use a range of fitness tests

LO2: Be able to complete a client health and fitness consultation

LO3: Be able to plan a fitness testing session

LO4: Be able to deliver a fitness testing session

LO5: Be able to interpret the results of fitness tests and provide feedback

Unit 17: Sports injuries and rehabiliation

Coursework assessment throughout the year

This unit will teach you how to recognise and treat common sports injuries both immediately and through long-term rehabilitation programmes, the possible psychological impacts of sports injuries and how to minimise the risk of sports injuries occurring in the first instance.

LO1: Know common sports injuries and their effects

LO2: Be able to minimise the risk of sports injuries

LO3: Be able to respond to acute sports injuries when they occur

LO4: Know the role of different agencies in the treatment and rehabilitation of sports injuries

LO5: Be able to plan a rehabilitation programme for a specific sports injury

Unit 18: Practical skills in Sport and Physical Activity

Coursework assessment throughout the year

This unit gives you the opportunity to participate in a number of different sports and outdoor and adventurous activities which allows you to experience first-hand situations that participants you may later be coaching or leading will come across. In this unit you will learn how to apply skills, tactics, techniques and knowledge in individual sports, team sports and outdoor and adventurous activities which will allow you to participate effectively, safely and enjoyably

LO1: Be able to apply skills, techniques and tactics in an individual sport

LO2: Be able to apply skills, techniques and tactics in a team sport

LO3: Be able to apply skills and knowledge in outdoor and adventurous activities

LO4: Be able to officiate in sport and physical activity

July 2024


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