Key Stage 3

Year 7


Students will begin their journey into the world of the design cycle and solving real life problems. In the first case pupils learn through play, trial and error, push boundaries, risk and experimentation while developing resilience. Designing structures that reach for the sky, survive earthquakes and save lives. Students then use key elements of design, materials, processes, engineering, mathematics and science to design and create. This ambitious curriculum exposes students to the latest advances in technology whilst investigating ethical and most sustainable use of resources.

Learning Journey

Themes, Concepts and Questions
  • Health & safety
  • Problem solving
  • Combining materials
  • Iterative design process
  • Taking risks
  • Experimentation 
  • Forces
  • Structures
  • Learn through play, trial & error
Key Knowledge
  • Hazard & risk
  • Propulsion
  • Thrust
  • Weight
  • Friction
  • Triangulation
  • Tension
  • Compression
  • Primary & secondary research
Themes, Concepts and Questions
  • 3D Modelling
  • Manufacturing techniques – hand
  • Using equipment safely
  • Using machinery safely
  • Working to tolerance
  • Creating your own plywood
  • Interpreting diagrams
  • Following instructions
  • Creativity – Design your own block bot  
Key Knowledge
  • Hazard & risk
  • Working safely
  • Steel ruler & try squares
  • Bench hook & tenon saw
  • Belt sander
  • Lamination
  • Tolerances
  • Power drills / Bench drills / Pillar drills
  • Design
Themes, Concepts and Questions
  • Problem solving
  • Computer Aided Design
  • 2D Design
  • Accuracy and tolerances
  • Laser cutting
  • Nets and their shapes
  • Creating nets
  • Iterative design process
Key Knowledge
  • Computer aided design
  • 2D Design
  • Tolerance
  • Laser cutter
  • Nets
  • Shapes

Skill Development

During Year 7 in Design and Technology students will be exposed to a range of STEM grounded projects that are based upon problem solving skills. Students will be encouraged to take risks, experiment with different materials, weight and structure combinations. This will ignite deeper critical thinking when evaluating their practical performance and theoretical application and understanding. Students will then explore the workshop environment and explore the opportunities available in technology, through upcycling and recycling old wooden products to create their own laminated material in the form of a block bot. Finally, students will use CAD software 2D Design to follow instructions to create their own keyring, followed by a Boxford chassis for the Scalextric track. Students will then have the challenge to design their own car net, manufacture out of card, and go through the iterative design process in order to get it to work on their chassis.

Year 8

Our Year 8 students further develop their understanding the design cycle, with a stronger focus on two key areas - ‘design’ and ‘make’ - and the application of drawing and modelling skills and emerging technologies. They develop their creative, technical and practical expertise, and demonstrate resilience and a willingness to take risks. We support and encourage the development of their moral conscience through a consideration of our environment, local and cultural influences.

Learning Journey

Themes, Concepts and Questions
  • Secondary research
  • Redesign
  • Analyse
  • Dimensions
  • Measure
  • Mark out with accuracy
  • Tolerances
Key Knowledge
  • Hazards, Risks, Control Measures
  • Tolerances
  • Bench Hook
  • Steel Ruler
  • Tenon Saw
  • PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
  • Machinery  - Belt Sander / Pillar Drill
Themes, Concepts and Questions
  • Explore
  • Experimentation
  • Take risks developing
  • Technical drawing
  • Shading
  • Tone
  • Rendering
  • Weighted Lines
Key Knowledge
  • Plans & elevations
  • Orthographic
  • Isometric
  • One point perspective
  • Two point perspective
  • Three point perspective
  • Horizon line / Vanishing point
  • Exploded view
  • Freehand sketching
  • CAD / CAM 
Themes, Concepts and Questions
  • Types of Plastic
  • New and emerging technologies
  • Material extraction
  • Sustainability
  • Moral conscience
  • Secondary Research
  • Computer Aided Design
  • Computer Aided Manufacture
  • The English Civil War
Key Knowledge
  • Thermosetting / Thermoplastics
  • Additive manufacture / rapid prototyping
  • 3D Printer
  • STL files / G Code /
  • CAD / CAM
  • Dimension / Size / Proportion
  • Pikemans / Lobster Pot helmet
  • Installation Art

Skill Development

During Year 8 in Design and Technology students are given the opportunity to develop problem solving skills. Students will be encouraged to take risks in various material areas, both independently and collaboratively. A Newark Academy student will be able to demonstrate practical skills within the workshop, utilising all tools, equipment, and machinery effectively whilst implementing strict control measures. They will also be able to explore a range of technical drawing and rendering methods, being able to support and critique one another’s work through utilising oracy and literacy techniques. All of these skills learnt thus far will be accumulated to the final project, where exploration into new subject matter will ignite the students desire to explore, experiment, problem solve, and take risks with new concepts.

Year 9


Students revisit the Scalextrics 4 Schools by participating in a competition by designing and building Scalextric vehicles. They have the opportunity to take part at regional and national levels. Students use Biomimicry as the starting point for their designs, trying to create the most aerodynamic solution with its roots taken from nature.

Learning Journey

Themes, Concepts and Questions
  • Modelling
  • High Density Foam
  • Templates
  • Fixtures
  • Mould Design
  • Vacuum Forming
Key Knowledge
  • Health & Safety
  • Machine Safety
  • Teamwork
  • Jigs
  • Fixtures
  • Templates
  • Measurement
  • Tolerance


Themes, Concepts and Questions
  • Chassis
  • Construction
  • Electrical Circuit
  • Soldering
  • Bevel Gear
  • Bearings
  • Faulting Finding
  • Testing
Key Knowledge
  • Development of software skills 2D&3D Design
  • British Standards -BS8888
  • Techsoft
Themes, Concepts and Questions
  • AO,A1,A2,A3,A4
  • BS888
  • Standards
  • Conventions
  • Trammel
  • Construction Line
  • Finish Line
  • Centre Line
  • Text
Key Knowledge
  • British Standards -BS8888
  • Techsoft
  • Lines
  • Conventions
  • Law
Themes, Concepts and Questions
  • Dimensioning
  • Orthographic
  • Isometric
  • Shading
  • Ellipse
  • Rods
Key Knowledge
  • Precision
  • Orthographic
  • Isometric
  • Rendering
  • Geometry
  • Language
Themes, Concepts and Questions
  • Biomimicry
  • Nature
  • Architecture
  • Technical drawing via CAD (computer aided design)
  • Choice of CAM
  • Iterative design
Key Knowledge
  • Industrial Prototyping techniques
  • Clay – Automotive Industry Design Skills
  • 3D - STL Files
  • VR Wind Tunnel
  • Aerodynamics
Themes, Concepts and Questions
  • Prototyping
  • Make via CAM
  • Assemble
  • Test
  • Race!
  • Evaluate
Key Knowledge
  • Risk Assessment
  • Quality Assurance
  • Modifications

Skill Development

During Year 9 in Design and Technology students continue to develop skills focused on STEM projects that are based upon problem solving skills. Students will be encouraged to take creative risks, while experimenting using different types pf prototyping and choosing the best CAM techniques to produce their design. This will ignite deeper critical thinking when testing the aerodynamic properties of their design using a virtual reality wind tunnel. The best and most creative design will allow students to represent the school in regional and national competition, working alongside students from across Britain, Europe and America to further develop their understanding of engineering.

July 2024


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