Key Stage 5

A-Level Business (Edexcel)

Theme 1: Marketing and people
  • Meeting customer needs
  • The market
  • Marketing mix and strategy
  • Managing people
  • Entrepreneurs and leaders
Theme 2: Managing business activities
  • Raising finance
  • Financial planning
  • Managing finance
  • Resource management
  • External influences
Theme 3: Business decisions and strategy

This theme develops the concepts introduced in Theme 2.

  • Business objectives and strategy
  • Business growth
  • Decision-making techniques
  • Influences on business decisions
  • Assessing competitiveness
  • Managing change
Theme 4: Global Business

This theme develops the concepts introduced in Theme 1.

  • Globalisation
  • Global markets and business expansion
  • Global marketing
  • Global industries and companies

How will you be assessed?

Paper 1: Marketing, people and global businesses (2 hours)

35% of the total qualification Overview of content Paper 1 will assess marketing, people and global businesses. Questions will be drawn from Themes 1 and 4, and from local, national and global contexts

Paper 2: Business activities, decisions and strategy (2 hours)

35% of the total qualification Overview of content Paper 2 will assess business finance and operations, business decisions and strategy. Questions will be drawn from Themes 2 and 3, and from local, national and global contexts.

Paper 3: Investigating business in a competitive environment (2 hours)

30% of the total qualification Overview of content Paper 3 will assess content across all four themes. Questions will be drawn from local, national and global contexts, using a pre-release case study.

Many students go on to study Business further at A Level and on to university where they specialise in many areas such as Marketing, Accountancy, Human Resources and Business Management.

Some students go straight into an apprenticeship or a business where they learn and develop key skills on the job.

July 2024


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