Independent Learning

Core PE – Years 7 - 11

Homework in Physical Education is all about enhancing the skills that each student already has. This is to continually participate in Physical Activity throughout their time at Newark Academy and beyond.

We deliver a wide and varied extra-curricular programme that we would like students to become involved in and this can fulfill their commitment to their participation in Physical Activity. Students should record their involvement in sport and physical activity in their planners on a weekly basis.

Parental Support

We’d appreciate parental support with homework and students are encouraged to build a portfolio of their sporting achievements. We will regularly have Student Sport Profiles on the website and we would love to hear from students who are regularly performing outside the school environment. This can be in a competitive or non-competitive situation.

Cambridge Nationals: Years 9 – 11

Homework will be set to embed and enhance the learning taking place in the classroom. They will cover a variety of different styles throughout the course; exam questions, projects, revision materials and DIRT activities.

Homework will be set on the first theory lesson of the week and should take around;

  • Year 9: 45 min to 1 hour
  • Year 10: 1 hour
  • Year 11: 1 – 1 ½ hours

Extended Reading

Your child will be given an extended reading list. The information gained through this will underpin and directly link to the knowledge for greater depth of understanding.

Supporting your child at home:

To enable your child to be able to complete homework to the best of their ability we recommend that while your child works the surrounding area is quiet and peaceful for concentration. Try playing some soft music, that won't excite your child, in the background. You could also set up an area in your home for studying where your child has all the equipment they need.

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July 2024


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