Careers NewsletterSummer Term Careers Update

~ 26th April 2024 ~

As we head into the final term, we still have an extremely packed programme for careers, please see below for some of the activities taking place!

- Year 12 will be going on a trip on 26th June to the university of Nottingham, for the Uni Search Fair.

- A small group of year 10 students will be visiting the new ASI building on 24th June! We have limited spaces, so if you would like your son or daughter to attend (I already have a small list of names), please email me to let me know -

- WOW Week - Labour market information - all year groups

- WOW Week - FE & HE - all year groups

- Year 9 - CV writing workshop

- Year 9 - work experience launch (ready for work experience in year 10!)

- Year 10 - mock interviews

- Year 10 small group of students to attend an open day at Newark College

- KS4 / KS5 - weekly career clinic - access to Level 6 Careers Advisor every Wednesday lunchtime in the dining area

Also this term, we will start to offer year 10 students careers interviews. Due to the numbers we have in a year group, it will take a long time to get through all students, taking us well into year 11. They are also able to access personal guidance every Wednesday lunchtime at the career clinic that takes place in the dining area at lunch time.

As year 11 students head in to their exam period, I am starting to gather information on their destinations. Each year, we have to report this information to the Local Authority, to enable them to collect data on post16 pathways.

I have circulate a Forms survey that year 11 students will be competing in school this week.

There will be a host of support available to students on results day, to ensure any questions or issues are dealt with quickly and effectively. 

The following people will be available to advise and support:

Lindsey Curtis - Head of 6th Form

Abi Wilson - Newark / Lincoln College

Ali Brown - Careers Advisor

Many teachers and Senior Leaders from Newark Academy will also be available to support with any queries or concerns. 

During the summer term, students will be taking part in 2 WOW Weeks (World of Work). The first one, is this week, WC 6th May will focus on labour market information.

It's really important that we advise students at Newark Academy about the labour market and for them to have an understanding of why it is important.

Lucie Andrews from D2N2 (our Local Enterprise Partnership) has delivered full crews for all year groups and will be talking about some local advancements in the labour market.

LMI (labour market information) in schools, allows young people to find out about the changes within the labour market. In essence, it allows young people to build on the skills needed for the jobs that are in demand. LMI can advise on new and exciting jobs and predict growth in employment in particular industries. It allow provides and insight into which industries and hiring fewer people and also about the graduate labour market and average salaries.

All of this allows our students to be able to expose themselves to experiences that will enable them to develop their skills, experience and qualifications that will set them up successful futures whereby they are able to fill gaps in the labour market.

Unifrog is a great source of providing labour market information, and don't forget that parents and carers also have a log in for this! 

Below are some other useful links:


Start (Careers Guidance)



For this terms 2nd WOW Week, we will be welcoming in a number of local colleges and universities.

Throughout the week, students will all have access to full crews where they will hear about post16 & post18 pathways, ensuring that everyone is aware of their full range of options and what they need to do to get on to certain pathways.

During this week, there will also be a Career Spotlight guest speaker......more news to follow on this!

Last term, I am delighted to say that we had 99.5% of year 10 students out on a work experience placement! This was an incredible effort from students, parents & carers and staff at Newark Academy. 

The majority of students had a fantastic time on placement and the feedback from their debrief session was heartwarming to read. Furthermore, the feedback from employers has left the staff at Newark Academy incredibly proud. The students should be very proud of themselves too.

100% of the employers that provided feedback said that they thought the student enjoyed their placement.

95% of employers said that they thought the students learned new skills whilst on placement.

95% of employers said they they would employ the student in the future.

Some specific quotes from employers:

''The students were impeccable in their standards of punctuality, dress, politeness and openness to all areas of the job. They took on a range of roles in a range of areas and fully engaged in all elements of the work set. I would highly recommend them both for this line of work.''

''Students were very well behaved, polite and lovely mannerisms.  The work at the office is very vast, technical and complex and they kept up with what was shown and given to them.  They proved that they listened to instructions and were capable to attempting any task given to them. ''

Year 10 - you are amazing!!

Later in this term, we will watch our year 12 students going on to professional placements on WC 8th July!

During the Spring term, we celebrated National Careers Week. We welcomed a range of employers in to Newark Academy to talk to our students about their jobs, business and pathways that lead them to where they are today.

It was great for students to hear from local, National and Global employers, opening their eyes to a world of possibilities!

We also welcome Alumni student Joe Sharp to talk about his journey from The Grove school to now running his own Physiotherapy business. 

Huge thanks to all of the business that took place with our National Careers Week!

Harlaxton Engineering 


Sharp Physiotherapy

St Gobain

Skanska UK

With many of our year 13 students having applied for university places, I wanted to share some useful resources to enable students & parents and carers.


Resources from UCAS to help us prepare for results day:

Results day – what your students might need on the day. 

What is Clearing? - guides students through the Clearing process.

The Clearing Guide for Parents provides all the latest advice and support for anyone supporting a student.  

A quick guide to application status and the suggested actions so you are ready to support all eventualities. 

YMCA have developed a pre-apprenticeship . employment skills course, in partnership with LAGA College, to support young people with preparation for the workplace.

For anyone aged 16 - 18 that might be interested, please check out this flier here

Hi! My name is Greta, and I’m a second year BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science student at the University of Lincoln. Over the past 2 years I’ve loved expanding my knowledge on various different topics within my degree, from anatomy and physiology to coding. It’s definitely challenging but getting a good grade at the end of the year is always gratifying. The long summer is the best reward. Every new student is worried about making friends but pushing away any shyness and talking to people on fresher’s week is the best thing to do. Everyone’s just as nervous as each other! I wanted to get more out of my uni experience, so I decided to join a society. There were so many to choose from. Some of them were really strange… I ended up settling on the archery society and it’s the best! I’ve had the opportunity to represent my university at many competitions. Being able to dress up however I like has been amazing too! Expressing myself through my clothes has never been easier and I’ve never felt judged for what I wear (despite how unorthodox my style is). Student cities are great!

I really wish I had known that the uni environment isn’t as strict as it’s made out. You get left to your own devices and do your work whenever. Obviously, you can’t slack, though! Self-regulating your work takes effort, and you must keep on top of it. Work can pile up quick. I also wish I knew how chill the lecturers were going to be. I always thought they’d all be a bit unapproachable, but they’re all super friendly and supportive, so don’t be afraid to ask for help! Uni was a big step up in life, but I’m proud that I’m the first in my family to do it!

Hello! My name is Tilly Royle, a Crime Scene Science student at Teesside University. Two years ago, I feared transitioning from A-level to university. I thought I was going to study every moment of the day because of my disabilities. However, Teesside University has helped me with my disabilities and has supported me endlessly. They have given me a student plan, which helps me a lot with lectures and on my assignments. The lecturers I have are also amazing people. Their constant support encouraged me to work hard and get the grades I deserve.

Moving far away from home was also a fear I had. Being somewhere I’d never been before not being close to my family and not knowing anyone was a bit scary. But joining the university's new student Facebook group let me find people on my course and get to know them before we arrived. Also, having housemates that year that had interests like mine calmed my nerves and they all became my best friends.

My Life at University

University is one of the best things I’ve ever done. Even though I’m in 1st year (I also did foundation), I have done many things in my course and outside of it.

In my course, I’ve done evidence recovery (fingerprints, footwear, and blood), bone identification, digital forensics, and court testimonies. Right now, I am finishing my photography module, it has taught me how to use a camera professionally and it was enjoyable to play around with cameras and the accessories.

I am not a party animal (shocking), but every Monday I go to the quiz nights. It is a great time to socialize with my besties but also socialize with new people. I go out and about, my favourite place I’ve visited so far is Beamish, an open-air living museum. Going down the mines and talking to the staff were so much fun. But my role as the vice-chairman of the Crime Scene and Forensic Society has been a big accomplishment. I promote and organise events with the chairmen and the other vice-chairmen. Creating events and making more people obsessed with true crime is giving me so much happiness.

At the heart off everything we do, is community and for that reason, we LOVE to hear from ex-students and are keen to build up our Alumni network, to include not only recent school leavers, but students from The Grove.

If we have any parents or carers that are former students and you would like to become part of our Alumni network, please reach out.

There are many events and activities that you could get involved, to suit varying levels of commitment, such as:

- Supporting mock interviews

- Supporting work experience

- Attending networking events

- CV workshops

- Deliver Career Spotlight talks

- Deliver assemblies

- Articles for the newsletters

- Linking to subject areas

If you would like to support, then please get in touch. We would be delighted to have you as part of our network -